Journey to Health and Wellbeing

Journey to Health and Wellbeing

Embracing better health begins with YOU!
Today we are planning our goals for embracing better health and wellbeing. I hit a critical cross roads with my health last year and have had to forge a new path of wellness. This is a journey into finding that path - physically, mentally and emotionally. 
Today I am focusing on botanical goodness and being inspired by the beauty of nature, finding ways to soothe the soul and taking time to nurture what is important. Life is a gift and we should celebrate it every day. The trick is finding the time, or rather making the time to smell the roses ... or the Lavender in this case! Look at this little purple stick for example. As a child I took it for granted. It smelled kind of funny and I had much better things to do, like riding a bike or climbing a tree. I saw this gangly little stick with a few minuscule flowers and paid it no heed. But oh, how I wished I had!
Lavender is power packed with amazing health benefits and right now it is a godsend for relieving stress. The sweet perennial extraction is calming and soothing and helps elevate mood and release tension and I need that a lot! I recently planted two tiny bushes as a daily reminder of the need to renew and restore. Taking time to cultivate tranquility is vital. So far these little lavender monuments to PAUSE are surviving, and so am I!

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